With us in-studio on this episode is the legendary Ed Terebus to discuss the entertainment of fear and his record-breaking haunted attraction Erebus. Erebus stands as a formidable four-story haunted attraction nestled in Pontiac, Michigan, and is open during the...
Our first show of 2023 starts off with that everlasting discussion of evil in our world, what happens after we die, NDE (Near Death Experience) stories, and much more. Pastor turned horror writer Ezekiel Kincaid updates us on his work and ongoing paranormal...
For our last show of the year, we continue our foray into the high strangeness that is Christmas, Yule, and the dark winter months. Author and Ghostly Talk’s very own “writer in residence” Mark Onspaugh shares some strange tales, folklore and of...
Inspired by the southeast Michigan legend of a ghostly mother forever searching for her lost child, filmmaker Francis J. Sampier has worked hard to bring the story to life on the big screen. For decades, people have reported strange experiences on the road around Clay...
Ezekial Kincaid, Christian pastor turned horror writer, joins us to talk about his current and future books, the problem with evil, and a supernatural occurrence that happened when his fiance’s mother recently passed on. Ezekial is the author of the...
Artist and podcast host Chet Zar joined us to talk about the Dark Art Movement. We explore Chet’s art, what Dark Art is really is, and all-around have a really great conversation. Chet also has a background in make-up effects and digital animation and has also...