Inspired by the southeast Michigan legend of a ghostly mother forever searching for her lost child, filmmaker Francis J. Sampier has worked hard to bring the story to life on the big screen. For decades, people have reported strange experiences on the road around Clay...
David Flora is the super entertaining, funny, and talented host of the Blurry Photos Podcast. Blurry Photos explores everything from ghosts, cryptids, to conspiracy, and whatever else is weird and wonderful. We go all over the paranormal with David and had a blast!...
Independent film makers Seth and Adrienne Breedlove of Small Town Monsters joined us to talk about their projects exploring the monster and UFO world. Small Town Monsters began as an independent film series exploring lost and bizarre history around the United States....
Lesley Bannatyne is an American author who writes extensively on Halloween history, literature, and contemporary celebration. One of the country’s foremost authorities on Halloween, Bannatyne has shared her knowledge on television specials for the History...
Halloween is upon us and we celebrate hard tonight diving into our love and thoughts on the movie Hellraiser, among a lot of other very interesting things. We were honored to have Max Lichtor back on Ghostly Talk! Max is the curator at, featuring...
Scott L. was joined by Neighbor Brad this week who brought over Addison Binek to talk about the good, the bad and the ugly of horror films. Addison has worked with the Lloyd Kaufman, one of the founders of Troma Films on his widely popular “Tromasterpiece...