Michael A. Cremo, also known by his devotional name Drutakarmā dāsa, is an American freelance researcher who identifies himself as a Vedic creationist and an “alternative archeologist” and argues that humans have lived on Earth for millions of years. In his book, Forbidden Archeology, Cremo argues for the existence of modern man on Earth as long as 30 to 40 million years ago! We talked with Michael about his research into “forbidden archeology” and dove deep into some consciousness talk, spiritualtiy + science and much more. Michael has made appearances on top talk shows such as Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and the popular History Channel show, Ancient Aliens.
Michael is also offering listeners of Ghostly Talk a FREE copy of the Bhagavad Gita, the book that motivated Michael to take the path he’s on, when you order his newest book, My Science, My Religion: Academic Papers (1994-2009). Just mention you heard the offer on the show when you order.