ITC Researcher Keith J. Clark joins us to talk about how Krisp, a noise-canceling software that utilizes artificial intelligence to remove background noise, may help paranormal voices come through clearer during ITC/EVP research.
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Keith J. Clark is an ITC Researcher and created and He is devoted to furthering knowledge of life after death and communication with spirit. In the summer of 2005, one of his friends told him that the movie White Noise was based on real events. Curious by nature, he found himself downloading a copy of Sarah Estep’s book, Voices of Eternity, which he didn’t read completely until November. That fall he experienced events that helped him overcome his addiction to substance abuse. After reading the book he immediately set out to record for EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena). Very soon all of his energy became channeled towards the study of life after death. As time progressed, multiple corroborative readings from separate mediums and psychics led him on his path. With a particular love for ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) and physical mediumship, he began to work with spirit and network with other people in the world.