Joni Mayhan joins us to talk about how we experience ghosts in different ways through our five senses. Have you ever just “felt” something was around you? Have you gotten chills or goosebumps? Have your ears started to ring for no reason and you suddenly got the feeling something otherworldly was nearby? Everyone experiences the realm of the ghost in a different and fascinating way. Joni’s newest book, When Ghosts Are Near covers all of this and more! Oh, and we talk about Joni’s “Critter Cafe” because who doesn’t love animals! 

Jodi’s Bio – 

Search for the darkest, scariest places on the planet, and that’s where you’ll probably find Joni Mayhan. She’s a seasoned paranormal investigator and the author of twenty paranormal books, including the bestselling paranormal true story “Bones in the Basement: Surviving the S.K. Pierce Haunted Victorian Mansion“, as well as “Signs of Spirits: When Loved Ones Visit.” She also operates Haunted New Harmony Ghost Walks and Investigations in the town of New Harmony, Indiana, where she resides. Her intrigue regarding the unknown frequently leads her into dangerous situations, ones others often leave untouched. Joni has attended over three-hundred paranormal investigations, including many haunted hotspots such as Waverly Hills Sanitarium, Rolling Hills Asylum, Gettysburg, and the Lizzy Borden House.

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Ep 136 - Joni Mayhan | How We Experience Ghosts

by Ghostly Talk